Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Father arrested after son brings home bad grades..

When I was a kid, I received money for As and Bs. Anything less was automatic grounding. The groundings were less than 5 in number as a whole but maybe if my parents would have taken advice from this guy I would’ve been a valedictorian!

Coral Gables police arrested and charged the father of an 8 year-old little boy with aggravated child abuse after the school called officials.

According to school officials, the 8 year-old went to the nurse complaining that it hurt to sit. Upon examining him, they discovered bruises on his buttocks and upper thighs. When questioned, the little boy admitted his father had hit him with a belt.

When the Department of Children and Families questioned the 30 year-old father, he admitted he had hit his son with a belt. He hit him as punishment for bad grades.


A judge released Loscar Rodriguez on pre-trial release because the judge felt the man was just disciplining his child.

The judge citing that Rodriguez had not hit his son with “the buckle or a baseball bat which cause injury,” also stated “a belt is supposed to leave a mark.”

Apparently BRUISES are not the types of ‘marks’ left on someone ‘injured.’

30 year-old Rodriguez, a bartender at Oxygen nightclub in the Grove, cannot have any contact with his son until further notice.

Well that’s good because according to the judge “spanking never hurt anyone.” Or at least that’s what he thinks Rodriguez did: spank.

As a parent, I’m all for spanking a child. In my eyes, it really just boils down to association. If you’re not going to listen, then you’re going to get spanked. Sooner or later, like Pavlov’s dogs, the child will learn to listen even if he does so simply to avoid being spanked.

And to spank him over grades?

How bad were they?

Aren't we only two months into the school year?

8 years old. That's the 3rd grade, no?

To his credit, at least it was for something positive. I think his actions, while well intended, clearly went over the line.

That said, as a child that was disciplined, I don’t think I was abused. The difference between when I was disciplined and what this guy did is as simple as black and white, well black and blue anyway. My parents never hit me so hard that they hurt me left bruises!

damned semantics...

All joking aside, there's a really fine line here and I could potentially argue either side.

Where's the mom?

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