Friday, September 28, 2007

Are you my daddy?

There’s this guy: the Paul Mitchell guy. Well, Paul Mitchell I guess. Duh!!
I swear he is related to Tom Selleck. Am I the only one who sees the family resemblance?

Every time I’m at a salon or browsing through a magazine and come across an image of Paul Mitchell, I always have the same thought.

Someone please give these two a DNA test!

The resemblance is uncanny.

These two could be brothers. Father and unknown child? They both have that same elongated face; the same light eyes; the same bone structure; the same facial hair patterns and hello- look at those noses! Heck, they even have the same receding hairline!

Um yeah, Paul Mitchell is the one with the monkey on his back... haha


Jorge A. Picaza said...

I'm not sure which is more surprising... the fact that a style icon (Mitchell) is the scraggly looking one, or the fact that you actually fathom these deep thoughts. I mean, really, when is the last time someone blogged about Tom Selleck and/or Paul Mitchell? You may be the next Perez Hilton.

SUE said...

You may be the next Perez Hilton

I'll take his bank account...
'cuz I already have a florescent wig.

Poor Paul.

Even the friggin' monkey has a better do!