Friday, October 5, 2007

Chinese Corner Cutting Hits Home

Every day I turn on the news and hear the same shit 'blah, blah, blah...made in china recall...blah, blah, blah...'

Nick even had a few toys from recent recall lists so I should be more concerned but I'll admit that it is wearisome to question every product's safety...

At least it was until this morning.

This morning began like any other day.

I overslept. Nick refused to stop watching cartoons. One of the cats took a ginormously stinky crap in the litter box.

Like I said, normal day.

But it could have been the worst day, ever...

As I put on my take Nick to school uniform: jeans, a tee, a Gators cap to hide my morning hair and some chancks, Nick
tended to his pearly whites. He loves to brush his teeth.

He also loves Thomas the Train.

So naturally, last month when Nick and I saw the Thomas the Train mechanical toothbrush at Target,
he screamed to high hell until I put it in the cart
we had to get it!

This morning, he comes in quietly.

Mira lo que paso mami

He then hands me the toothbrush with one hand and the brush head and a hair-thin metal pin with the other.

Gracias. Estas bien?

(as I inspect the toothbrush to make sure he's handed me all the pieces)

I don't know how it happened because I didn't see it. All I know is that it came apart IN his mouth and he spit it out the pieces.

When I think of what could've happened...


No really,


See those two pieces? Those TWO CHOKING HAZZARDS?

I'm not being over-dramatic.

Fuck choking.

Fuck freak out.

He could have died...

I flipped the toothbrush over:

Made in China.


So I wrote to the Consumer Products Safety Commission and received a response. it's your standard issue cookie cutter response with an abundance of copy machine fuzz but they are requesting additional information.

blah, blah, blah ".....If your complaint is among those selected, A Cpsc field investigator will contact you within 30 days from the day you receive this letter."

Let's see what happens.

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